100 years ago today, March 29, 1911, the US military adopted the Colt 1911 .45 ACP designed by John Browning. It was replaced by the Berretta 92 (or M9) 9mm in 1985. It is still in use by the Marines, Delta, and other elite units. It is also in use by the FBI Hostage Rescue Team, numerous SWAT teams, and many police forces, notably Tacoma PD.
I do not own one of these yet, but eventually plan to acquire one. Alone with a GLOCK, AR, AK, accurate bolt rifle.... gotta love a student's budget! I did get the opportunity to fire a 1911A1 at the Linebaugh Sixgun Seminar in Carthage, IL last May. It was a memorable experience.
Check out the links below for some blog posts and articles written by folks more knowledgeable than me on the 1911. The ones by Massad Ayoob are especially good.
Article on Browning Website
Stories and Legends of the 1911 (Super worth reading)
1911: The Classic Homeland Security Pistol by Massad Ayoob
1911 Centennial by Massad Ayoob
Happy Anniversary! by Massad Ayoob
Happy Anniversary, and all the best in the next 100 years.