Announcing the Art of Manliness Book!
Brett McKay is the editor of the Art of Manliness, the manliest (and biggest) men's blog on the Internet. Here he introduces his book "The Art of Manliness: Classic Skills and Manners for the Modern Gentleman. I purchased a copy right after they came out, and would highly recommend every man obtain a copy. Brett is coming out with another book soon, I will post more details when they are available.
I really must get our Wilson reading this site. This man makes some good sense and has some good ideas. Fortunately for our Wilson he has had good training from his Father and Grandfather, however there are always things anyone can learn. Margaret
Hi Marg,
Sorry for not responding earlier! Laptop troubles you know....
I would encourage Wilson to read the AoM. I subscribed to the automatic email so it's easy to keep up to date. Training in the home is some of the strongest training we can get, I just found that Brett on the AoM really gives you another view on topics you know alot about, or on some you may not have considered or thought about.
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