Monday, March 28, 2011

History Channel, After Armageddon

I first watched this film later last year, and was struck by how thought-provoking it is. This film does not show the ideal position, or follow the story of a prepared family. Instead, it shows a normal family, with normal amounts of supplies available to them e.g. not much. I would encourage you to watch this. In a little while I will follow this movie up with some preparedness plans I am making for myself and some links to some great preparedness sites.


Shawn Humphrey said...

Note: This is not the manliest movie around. The wife and kid appear to be smarter than dad, and both order him around constantly. Still, it is a good look at what could happen in a disaster scenario.

- Shawn

Margaret said...

Very Interesting. Makes you think doesn't it. Margaret